"What's Your Name Again?"

FIRST KISS sounds like something we all awkwardly had to deal with. But how would you feel if you had to kiss a complete stranger? Better yet, how would you feel if you had to kiss a complete stranger and be filmed doing it? These 20 people faced the most intimate and awkward situation for anyone.

First Kiss was uploaded to Vimeo only a mere 11 hours ago and it is already making it's way around the social networks like wildfire with over 20,000 views.

A lot of the strangers spent time trying to make each other comfortable, making jokes or smiling it off. Some were just down right awkward, one person even said, "What's your name again?" Once they got started, they got started. Some didn't even seem like they wanted to stop. As I watched I wondered if any of them walked away with their soul mates... Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic.


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What Happened Today?

August 27, 2014: Helping my dog become the neighborhood watch dog.
August 22, 2014: Asked the pizza guy to call me Beyonce when he delivered my pizza. He did.
August 20, 2014: Using this blog for my Writing for Media Class because you know school is a thing.

Who Am I?

If you have stumbled upon this blog then I would like to say welcome. My name is Victoria. I'm a 20 year old college student looking into going to school for Journalism and Sociology. I am a Rockford, IL based writer that enjoys making people feel uncomfortable, making boys cry, drinking coffee, and eating an unnecessary amounts of pizza.
Questions or Complaints?: v.sockwell94@gmail.com