Hi, I'm Victoria the Squirrel

It took me a while to try and figure out what animal represented me. Most of the time I saw myself as an otter. You know, just going with the flow of the water. Maybe I was a leader like a lion, king of the jungle. But thanks to my boyfriend, I have come to the conclusion that I am in fact a squirrel.

Squirrels are playful, active in life; they can balance life, aware of their surroundings, and just all around a lovely animal. According to friends, I can be distracted just like squirrels. Sometimes I even hide in tight places. I'm also a tad bit of a hoarder. Granted I'm not gathering and collecting nuts for winter. But I do gather and collect a lot of books to read for winter, which is basically the same thing. 

Squirrel people are often resourceful and have a way of manifesting all the things you need in the present and for the future. They like to be prepared for all occasions and are ready to socialize at any given moment. People with squirrel energy are very good at balancing their lives with work and play. 

Squirrel people tend to be a little erratic at times, often trying to do many things at once. Take the time to stop and listen to your inner self and focus on one thing at a time. 

Squirrels, like me, cane sometimes over prepare. Which is funny since most squirrels will only fine 10% of the nuts it hides for safekeeping. 

However, there is a higher significance in this message of finding our 10%. All those nuts our squirrels do not recover are all primed and ready to seed themselves. This means, that thanks to the squirrels, we are blessed with new generations of trees and plants growing from all the seeds and nuts burrowed in the soil by squirrels.
This goes back to the old saying that “what we sow is what we reap.” What may seem like absent-mindedness is actually a strong message to us to be mindful of the metaphorical seeds we plant in our own lives as they we will surely reap consequences.

Squirrels are quite sociable, and are often see in pairs or groups. Any amount of observation of the squirrel will reveal that it is a vocal creature as well, and using extensive communications – particularly when in play or when it feels threatened.  


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What Happened Today?

August 27, 2014: Helping my dog become the neighborhood watch dog.
August 22, 2014: Asked the pizza guy to call me Beyonce when he delivered my pizza. He did.
August 20, 2014: Using this blog for my Writing for Media Class because you know school is a thing.

Who Am I?

If you have stumbled upon this blog then I would like to say welcome. My name is Victoria. I'm a 20 year old college student looking into going to school for Journalism and Sociology. I am a Rockford, IL based writer that enjoys making people feel uncomfortable, making boys cry, drinking coffee, and eating an unnecessary amounts of pizza.
Questions or Complaints?: v.sockwell94@gmail.com