"All Adventurous Women Do"

"I don't want to freak you out, but I think that I may be the voice of my generation." Of course Hannah Horvath, main character of Girls, was probably exaggerating but actress Lena Dunham might be the voice of our generation.

Lena Dunham not only plays Hannah Horvath in HBO's award winning show, Girls, but she is also the writer and director. Dunham has been such a inspiration to me and I have never met her.

In her college years she was an average student with mediocre grades. Back in an interview she claims that once she found what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, that's when she started doing better in school. Her calling was writing screen plays and making absurd (just down right embarrassing) Youtube videos.

Dunham has never been afraid to be honest not only to herself but to others. She made me feel comfortable writing about embarrassing dates or awkward encounters with others. She took what I had in my brain and ran with it. I have never felt so close to a writer and personality before.

She made being a feminist cool again. She made being independent something that be applauded for. As a writer and as a girl, she became my voice. Lena Dunham may not be a voice of a generation but she is my voice.


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What Happened Today?

August 27, 2014: Helping my dog become the neighborhood watch dog.
August 22, 2014: Asked the pizza guy to call me Beyonce when he delivered my pizza. He did.
August 20, 2014: Using this blog for my Writing for Media Class because you know school is a thing.

Who Am I?

If you have stumbled upon this blog then I would like to say welcome. My name is Victoria. I'm a 20 year old college student looking into going to school for Journalism and Sociology. I am a Rockford, IL based writer that enjoys making people feel uncomfortable, making boys cry, drinking coffee, and eating an unnecessary amounts of pizza.
Questions or Complaints?: v.sockwell94@gmail.com